Building A Law Firm

047: You MUST Create Content



You need to be creating content right now. Not tomorrow, not the day after. You don’t need to plan. You don’t need to come up with a list to talk about. That content can be all kinds of fun stuff. It can be frequently asked questions. That’s probably the easiest to start. You should also be doing audio and video and written content. You can do them all at once. You can do three out of one. You just turn your camera phone on, hit the record button. Answer a question, answer like you’re talking to somebody else and you put that thing on YouTube, pull out the audio, make a podcast, make a blog post and put both of those things on it and you’re good to go. You get clients from the content that you create. It makes people feel that they know you. The other content you can crate is social media content. In particular, LinkedIn and Facebook depending on who your clients are. If your clients are businesses, you might want to consider LinkedIn. On a truly social basis, Facebook is a gold mine. There are groups, you c