Building A Law Firm

045: Five Signs You’re Not A Pro



In reality this is a check, a reminder, that image does matter. The way that people see you and the way you are perceived matters. It matters with the type of clients that you get, the people that will work with you, the people who will take the next step to learn more about you. 1. You are not using a unique URL for your email Having an email ending with, and other public domains is unprofessional. Having a unique URL is cheap and very easy. It’s very easy for people to refer you. This makes a big difference. People can make decisions with this small items. 2. You have a fallback which says that you don’t have to do it Your initial response should be – I wonder if that will work. I should try and experiment or any alternative. You should think how you can make it work. Try to see everything as an experiment and as testing as a hypothesis. If you think that it won’t work, then you’ll not get anywhere. Unitl you can adopt a can do attitude, you won’t be a PRO. 3. You believe that you don’