Building A Law Firm

039: 5 Ways to Build the Brand of You



This is very important particularly in the modern age. There are a lot of people who are better than you or as good as you. It’s really important to be intentional in building the brand of you. This episode is born out of a lot of from observation. What is not observed is any sort of differentiation from anyone which is not good. 1. DRESS NICELY If you can stand out, all the better. Anytime people can remember you. First impressions make a huge difference. You have the ability to control your first impression 100%. Take advantage of it. As an example, every time I go to the office I wear a suite even if I don’t have meetings. To everyone in the building I’m known as the guy who wears a suit. the suits need not to be expensive, but they fit well. You know you look good when people tell you that. take some time to know what looks good on you. I’m not saying that you wear a suit every day but what I’m saying is don’t blend in with everybody. Have clothes that fit right and make you look great. 2. ALWAYS BE YOU