Building A Law Firm

034: Starting a Law Firm is Hard



In this episode of the podcast we get real. Starting a law firm is hard. Just like any other business. If you think it's going to be all rainbows and roses you are kidding yourself. Even if you are leaving a firm and taking clients with you it's not going to be easy. So get used to it. And get ready for it. It's okay to admit that starting a law firm is hard. It's the truth. And that's why there are a bunch of struggling law firm owners out there. It is not an easy thing to do. If you are thinking about starting a law firm, or you're already in it and you're feeling frustrated. Don't worry. That's normal. Get used to it. Links Mentioned in the Show Building a Law Firm Website Free Starting a Law Firm Training Christopher's Instagram Account Free Building a Law Firm Facebook Group Christopher Small knows how to start and build successful law firms. He is the owner of CMS Law Firm, a Bellevue estate planning firm, and Building a Law Firm, a site dedicated to teaching lawyers how to start a law firm.