Building A Law Firm

030: Speed and Attention



Building a successful law firm is all about speed and attention, and managing the two against each other. What do I mean by that? Speed The ability to do things fast. The ability to be there first. Implementing even when you are scared. Pushing forward even when you're not sure of the outcome. Attention Performing as promised. Creating great work. Being right with your legal analysis. Showing up on time. Completing promises. The Push/Pull of Speed and Attention As a lawyer my guess is that most of your life is focused too much on attention and not enough on speed. How often have you gone down the rabbit hole researching a legal question? How many times have you redone your logo? How long did it take you to pick a law firm name (that wasn't your own name). As lawyers, we are taught to be risk averse, to make sure we are right. But the bottom line is, whether starting a law firm or becoming a great lawyer, speed is as important as attention. Don't forget that as you move on, and let's go out ther