Building A Law Firm

028: The Tools I Use for My Law Firm



About a week ago (sorry for the delay, I've been in Paris!) I got this question from of the law firm owner listers out there: Chris, your podcast is great. Thanks so much for the information! I was wondering if you have ever thought about an episode on the actual resources you use on a day to day basis to help run your business. I'm opening the doors to my own firm June 1, and I'm trying to sort through all of the different business products I may need (Clio, ConvertKit, etc). If you've done an episode on this topic already, could you point me to which episode it was? Thanks I promised the answer, and here it is. This is everything I use in my business (at least everything I could think of). The list may seem out of order, but this is the order I discussed these things in on the show. Links Camtasia iPhone 6s Lavalier Mic Tripod iPhone Headphones Google Drive Slack Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox iTunes Libsyn Active Campaign ClickFunnels PandaDoc Insightly Google Apps Calendly SmarterQu