Building A Law Firm

022: Law Firm SEO Isn’t Dead (It’s Just Different)



If you are spending a large amount (or any amount, for that matter) of your law firm marketing budget on law firm SEO, you might just be flushing your money down the toilet. It's not that SEO is dead, it's just that it's different. The way law firm SEO works now is based less on your ability to create a ton of links aimed at your site and based more on your ability to consistently create good content over a long period of time. Google algorithm updates all but killed the spammy SEO one used to be able to do, and the threat of being put in the sandbox (penalized) for using these tactics far outweighs any upside. The solution for law firm SEO is to simply create good content over a long period of time - and try to put that content in as many places as possible. For example, I create three pieces of content per week. One is purely written and two are video pieces. For the video pieces, I shoot the video, upload it to YouTube, pull out the audio and create a podcast, and then create a transcription to turn