Building A Law Firm

AOL 139: Pricing Law Firm Services to Win



Today I wanted to talk about something that we've all had to think about and deal with at some point in our law firm start-up career: pricing law firm services. The tough part about pricing law firm services is that there is no set pricing schedule. There is no industry standard. And no one shares their prices. For those reasons (and some other psychological factors I talk about in the podcast) pricing law firm services can seem extremely difficult. But it doesn't have to be. All it takes is a little thought, a little intention, a minor shift in perspective, and some guts. Check out the podcast to get the whole scoop. Cheers, Christopher Small P.S. - I've done it! I started my second six-figure law firm in under 4 months! Want to know my secret? Networking! And I'm sharing my tracking system with you for free. Click Here for Access. Who am I? I am an expert on starting a law firm and law firm marketing. I've started two successful law firms (you can see my latest one here and love sharing what I've