Building A Law Firm

AOL 133: 5 Keys to a Great Law Firm Assistant Start



Here is a quick break down of the 5 keys to starting off the first full time week with your law firm assistant. To get all of the information, listen to the show! And, don't forget, to get my law firm assistant job description and interview questions just CLICK HERE. 1. Preparation = Success Think of your time with your assistant as if you are a coach and they are a player. It is okay to script out their day. Make a list of all of the things you want them to do, and then prioritize. Take time for them to learn the fundamentals of each one at a time. Watch. Do. Teach. Come up with a couple of projects that will lead to immediate success (filing, scanning, setting appointments, etc.) Here's what my law firm assistant did on her first day: Filing paperwork at courthouse Kanban board from post its to white board Close out a couple of files Publication notice at courthouse Reset happy hour 2. Full time does not equal work all the time. Do not pressure yourself into making sure they are working on stuff all of