Building A Law Firm

AOL 129: Unblocking Your Law Firm Vision with Eric Scroggins



Law Firm Vision. What is that? How do you find it? Where does it come from? And what happens if you want to find it so badly but unseen forces are in your way blocking you? That's what Eric Scroggins, the author of Vision Blockers, and I talk about on the show today. Here are just a few things we talk about: Networking rule of 5; How to get financing through a bank; The biggest hurdle to unblocking your vision; How to deal with haters; and So much more! Show Resources: Book Recommendation - Put Your Dream to the Test by John C. Maxwell Cheers, Christopher Small P.S. - curious about what I do on a daily basis to create and build my successful law firm? Now you can find out first hand (and steal some of my secrets). It's called the Law Firm Confidential Podcast, and you can get access to the first 5 episodes for free by clicking right here. Who am I? I am an expert on starting a law firm and law firm marketing. I've started two successful law firms and love sharin