Building A Law Firm

AOL 120: Hiring Law Firm Employees



As many of you know, in January I started my own estate planning law firm. Well, it's been going pretty well. No, I am not rich, but I'm busy. Super busy. So busy, in fact, that I need some help. It's time for me to hire my first law firm employees. I remember back to when I hired my first law firm employees and how terrible I was at it. I don't want to make that mistake again. As luck would have it, a buddy of mine presented to our mastermind group on best hiring practices. I wanted to share some of what I learned with you so you can hire the best law firm employees possible. Some of the things I talk about: The three most important qualities of good law firm employees; The one of those that you MUST hire for (it's not what you think); The difference between work capacity and work ethic; A foolproof test for work capacity you can give in 15 seconds; and How to use Facebook to get amazing law firm employees. To get the inside scoop listen to the podcast! Or, if you'd rather read, scroll down to check ou