Building A Law Firm

AOL 116: Law Firm Profit and Loss



One of the most interesting things I see when I talk to people about their law firm success is that they have no true idea how the law firm is actually performing. They have no idea if they have law firm profit or law firm loss. They know if they have money in the bank. They know if they have money on the way, but that is about it. Today I'm going to reveal how I deal with law firm profit and loss. Enjoy! Hey everybody welcome to episode 116 of The Art of Lawyering podcast. I'm just coming straight to you from interstate 405. I just left a lunch and learn meeting with my pals Keen and John where we talked a lot about profit and loss. And I wanted to talk to you about the same subject because I think it's critically important and it's something that you should start from the beginning or implement now if you're not. Because it's gonna have a huge effect on not just on the actual money that you make but just on the way that you approach and see your business because and this maybe sort of the theme of the s