Building A Law Firm

AOL 115: How Long Does Law Firm Start-Up Success Take?



Sometimes it can seem like law firm start-up success takes forever. But how long is too long? How do you know when you should keep going? That's what we talk about today on the show... Hey everybody, welcome to episode 115 of The Art Of Lawyering podcast. I am your host, Christopher Small, I am out actually walking the dog tonight, figured I would mix up a little bit and give you some good stuff while talking them on a walk. Typically takes me a little bit but we're probably not gonna take forever here. We're doing these short bite sized episodes if you didn't know that. Interesting question, had somebody that just wanted to join The Law Firm Confidential, and she'd been, has been at it for about three weeks. She's been doing the stuff that's in the program, and she hasn't seen much success yet and she have a Facebook group and she was curious about how long it's gonna take to be successful. I have good news here and I have bad news for all of you. The good news is, success is around the corner pretty much