Building A Law Firm

AOL 85: How to Build a Law Firm that Sells with John Warrillow



I am really excited to give you this conversation today. John Warrillow is a pseudo-mentor of mine. I say pseudo because I'd never actually talked to him before our conversation you're going to hear today. But John's book, Built to Sell, has been a cornerstone in the way I approach my law firm as a business since the day I picked it up. What I love about this book isn't just the specific strategies and tactics it delivers, but also the way in which it is delivered. This is a book very similar to The Go-Giver, another of my favorite books, in that the lessons are told through story. You can read this book in a couple of hours pretty easily, and the change in perspective it will create will make you millions of dollars over the course of your career. If you are truly interested in how to build a law firm that is successful, this is a must read. In this show we cover things like: Getting over the super-hero syndrome; Why it's important to build a law firm that sells even if you don't think you'll ever sell;