Building A Law Firm

The Art of Lawyering Podcast 80: 5 Ways to Create a Great Law Firm Brand



Creating a law firm brand is a topic I've been thinking about a lot lately, mostly because I'm thinking about creating a new one (spoiler alert! Want to know more, CLICK HERE). A law firm brand, for me, has been a difficult thing to put together for a couple of reasons. First, no matter how we want to slice it, the services that we provide to people are essentially the same. What I mean by that is, when you look at how the sausage is made, from firm to firm it is very similar. Second, because we are a service based business with very little in the way of tangible production, it's difficult to explain what we do without getting too airy. A buddy of mine describes this as "landing the plane." What will your clients life be like after they hire you in concrete terms? It's a tough task. Creating a Great Law Firm Brand is Possible That does not mean that all is lost, however. Creating a great law firm brand is possible. It just takes a little bit of forethought. In this week's podcast I break down what those