Building A Law Firm

The Art of Lawyering Podcast Episode 72: Finishing



On this episode of The Art of Lawyering Podcast I talk about something we all need to work on: finishing. When it comes to finishing, we all fall short. No one ever finishes everything that they start. It's impossible to do so. But, if you look around at the people you consider to be the most successful, you will see a common thread - they are disproportionately good at finishing. What does that mean? It means they aren't afraid to get uncomfortable. It means they are committed to consistently generic valium doing those activities they know will get results. It means they aren't afraid (or they know how to push through the fear) of doing something for the first time and not being very good at it. Think about it this way. You know networking will get you clients. You know consistently creating content will get you clients. You know working on your sales skills will get you clients. But you still aren't doing it. Today, stop thinking, stop planning, and stop procrastinating. Start finishing.