Building A Law Firm

The Art of Lawyering Podcast 068: How to Crush Your Law Firm Goals



It's that time of the year again! The quarter ends next Wednesday, so we need to check in, revisit goal setting for law firms and make sure you are on the right track. I think before we get going it's important to remember why we are even setting law firm goals: the main reason is that if you don't know where you want to go you'll never get there. Whether you are thinking in terms of where you want to go in life or just getting a new car, setting law firm goals is critical to success. SMART Law Firm Goals Mostly because I butchered this in the actual podcast, I wanted to take a second to go through what SMART goals are really quickly. SPECIFIC - like I said in the podcast, a specific goal is simply defined very precisely. Becoming a better networker is not specific. Being able to enter into a room where you don't know anyone and have a plan of action is. MEASURABLE - a goal is no good if you can never know if you met it. Measurable goals are often tied to numbers. You don't want to make a lot of money t