Building A Law Firm

AOL 054: Five Ways to Create an Awesome Inner Circle



You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. - Jim Rohn This episode of The Art of Lawyering Podcast is all about leveling up. It's about finding those people that will help you reach the next level, shoot for goals you never dreamed possible, and cheer you on the whole way. This week I had the pleasure of going to dinner with many of the people I'd consider to be in my Inner Circle (my wife wasn't there and she'd definitely be included). It was an amazing experience and I couldn't help but feel buy cheap valium us online very fortunate to have such great people supporting me. And I want you to have that same experience. When you start a law firm it's tough to find people that get what you are trying to do. It's not safe. It's hard work. There are no guarantees. And most people want safety. And, if you can find those people that understand what you're going through, are experiencing success, and want to drag you along with them, then you are much more likely to succeed. In th