Building A Law Firm

AOL 023: Law Firm Social Media Marketing with Marc Cerniglia



This is a continuation of a series of talks I did with Marc (you can see the first one here) about everything related to marketing your law firm on the internet. If you are looking into how to start a law firm and you aren't thinking about law firm social media purchase valium marketing then you are missing a critical component of a successful law firm marketing plan. What is Law Firm Social Media Marketing? When we're talking about law firm social media marketing we are talking about everything from Facebook to Twitter to Instagram and everything in between. We talk about it more in depth in the interview, but what's cool about social media marketing is that it allows you to keep the conversation going with your potential clients even though they might not need you at that exact moment. AOL 23 Resources One Marketing Marc on Twitter Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World