Building A Law Firm

LFMM 089: The Farewell Podcast!



They say that all good things must come to an end, and so it is for the Law Firm Marketing Mastery Podcast. [leadplayer_vid id="54E261AB8D646"] This isn't the end, though, but a time for a new beginning. To get the new podcast and all of it's glory you can CLICK HERE and be taken to The Art of Lawyering, my new podcast. You can also find the new podcast on iTunes by CLICKING HERE. Why am I doing something different? You'll have to listen to the podcast to find out, but I promise you'll like it! And, before I go, I want to give all of you who listened, commented, reviewed, and participated a heartfelt thank you. I do this not just to scratch my own itch but to make life easier for all of you lawyers out there trying to make a go of it on your own. See you at The Art of Lawyering!