Building A Law Firm

AOL 003: Social Media Secrets with Marc Cerniglia | Websites



Some time ago, after I did my original interview with Marc (you can see that at The Law Firm Marketing Podcast) we were talking and decided we just had to sit down and record a special series outlining our general thoughts about social media and how to use social media to get clients with your law firm. Well, we finally sat down and did it, and now I want to share it with you. At least, I want to share a part of it with you. If you want to hear the rest of our talk, which ended up being over two hours long, just let me know by hitting the "I want it all" button below. That will get you signed up for my weekly email newsletter and get you the key to unlocking our full conversation. I WANT IT ALL! Enjoy! [leadplayer_vid id="54D924CE045DB"]