Building A Law Firm

AOL 001: Introducing The Art of Lawyering Podcast!



This site and my life just wouldn't be complete without a podcast. It's a way for me to talk directly to you, to get others to talk directly to you (via interviews), and to give you access to this great information in ways other than simple text. So, welcome to The Art of Lawyering Podcast! Before I get going with this, though, I want to ask you a favor (and for that favor I'm going to give you something). There are 4 simple steps to this favor. 1. Listen to the podcast. 2. Go to iTunes and subscribe so you never miss an episode. 3. While in iTunes, leave a review of the podcast. 4. Click here to get signed up for my weekly book giveaway. The Weekly Book Giveaway I didn't just want to give you a bunch of cool, free information. I wanted to share with you some of the books that helped me start my law firm and helped me become the great person that I am today. That's what the free book giveaway is. You only have to sign up once and you'll be entered in the drawing every single week. Now, I am limiting i