Building A Law Firm

LFMM 076: 10 Ways to Skyrocket Your Success



If you listened to last weeks podcast, then you know this weekend I was in Scottsdale at a conference called PLF Live. It was an amazing conference with amazing people doing amazing things and making amazing amounts of money. As I am want to do, I wanted to share with you some of the things I learned so you can take these lessons and use them to skyrocket your success. 10 Ways to Skyrocket Your Success Here are the ten things I learned that you can use to skyrocket your success. If you want to know how they can skyrocket your success, listen to the podcast or the video. Forgiveness; Grace; Confidence; "I Know That."; Hanging with "A" Players; Masterminds/Coaching; Don't Compare Your Back of Room to Their Front of Room; Authenticity; Vulnerability; Taking Action. These are concepts that I guarantee will help you make more money with your law firm right now. Watch the video, listen to the podcast, and get ready to skyrocket your success. And, when you're done, leave a comment below and let me know which it