Whiskey And Mash

Whiskey And MASH: Ep 78 - Dear Point of Gas



This week, to get us back on track for episode numbering, we tackle three episodes: Ses 7 Eps 11 (Point of View), 12 (Dear Comrade), and 13 (Out of Gas). In Point of View we're treated to an episode filmed entirely from the perspective of a soldier, Pvt. Rich, who is wounded and brought to the 4077th. In Dear Comrade the North Korean army sends a spy into the 4077th to try to find out how they achieve their efficiency in treating patients. The episode is done in the vein of "Dear Dad" episodes. Finally, in Out of Gas, the 4077th runs out of sodium pentathol, an anesthetic, when Sgt. Zale trades away part of their supply to the 8063rd for plasma. Fr. Mulcahy goes out and gets more from the Black Market, though Charles loses a case of wine (and his polar suit) in the process.