Raw Talk With Sheena

#70 Lucid Dreaming: The How and the Why with Ryan Hurd



In Ryan’s second guest episode of Raw Talk with Sheena, the Basic Witches and Raw Talk listeners requested more detailed information on how to begin lucid dreaming. Ryan and Sheena discuss lucid dreaming, in depth, while also connecting that topic to an edible trip Sheena experienced while vacationing in Denver this winter. As always, the conversation develops to an informative, experiential and always inspiring episode. Tune in for a Raw take on what lies beneath the pillow. ——— More information on Ryan Hurd: Ryan Hurd is the founder of DreamStudies.org, a website dedicated to sleep, dreams and consciousness studies.  His books include Dream Like a Boss (Books 1 and 2), Lucid Immersion Guidebook, and Sleep Paralysis. He is also co-editor with Kelly Bulkeley of the two volume reference collection Lucid Dreaming: New Perspectives of Consciousness in Sleep.  Ryan has presented for TEDMED, Stanford University, and University of California at Berkeley, amongst others, and has published papers on sleep para