Amazing Fba

Will Amazon Third-party Sellers keep having higher costs?



Hey folks, I have some bad news that I think Amazon third-party sellers need to know based on Amazon's recent earnings call. Stay tuned.  3 insights for Amazon sellers from Amazon's recent earnings call So there are three facts in the recent earnings call, which I thought are a little bit scary for Amazon third-party sellers, and we need to join up the dots and think this through as Amazon sellers. Here they are:  1. Amazon's profits are up - largely due to third-party sellers paying more for ads! Number one profits on advertising up a metric ton, which means more expensive sales for us. So Amazon should say thank you to the third-party sellers. And of course, we all know this from experience, but it is a fact, and it's clear that Amazon is, as it has been, continuing to prioritize using advertising as the main way of making not so much revenue as profit from its third-party marketplace and indeed the entire marketplace. That's the first one. 2. Investment in FBA is down - bad news for third