Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 30th July 2023



As it was written in the 1790s, David Robertson's 'Review of the Manks History' doesn't have the advantage of modern academic research with input from a wide range of disciplines, but still makes entertaining reading, and we can tease out some of the storylines from our own perspective. The coffin of Lucy Westenra was empty in the dead of night, but Lucy is again lying in it the next day. But she's as beautiful as she ever was, despite lying here in a tomb, but her teeth seem longer and sharper now! As nyn giaull - SOWENA - Sprig of thyme SKEEAL - She 'neen aeg mish as aalin CARREG LAFAR - Afon yr haf CAPERCAILLIE - Him bo MARIE-JOSEPHE BERTRAND - Gwerz Skolvan BEOGA - Antics STAA - Kishtey dy yindyssyn JAMIE SMITH'S MABON - Easy on the elephant