Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 2nd July 2023



As a British revenue officer, David Robertson writes approvingly of the way the British Crown bought the Lord of Mann's rights in 1765 in order to suppress 'the running trade' in a move that the Manx people referred to as 'y chialg vooar' - 'the big swindle'. Professor Van Helsing returns from Exeter and starts questioning Dr John Seward about his views on things that science disapproves of, such as astral bodies and mind reading. He points out that Dr Seward is happy to accept hypnotism, even though he has no idea how or why it works. So why not other phenomena? As nyn giaull - BRENDA WOOTTON, ST AUSTELL BAND & TREVERVA MALE CHOIR - Clay ports THE HIGH KINGS - The road not taken JEAN-CLAUDE JEGAT & LOUIS YHEUL - La nuit descend COISIR GHAIDHLIG AN EILEIN MHUILICH - Thug mi'n oidhche 'n raoir sunndach GWENAN GIBBARD & MEI MAC - Gwawr SHEILA CORKILL & CHARLES GUARD - Car y phoosee THE GRENAWAYS - Skath vyghan AVA - Brid og ni Mhaille YOUN KAMM & BAGAD P