Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 1st May 2022



Writing in 1832, Rev Thomas Stephen is giving us 'A Poetical Guide to the Isle of Mann'. He includes the Island's government, including the role of the Legislative Council - though without mentioning that he, as Vicar-General, was an ex officio member of it. Jonathan Harker realises that he was not dreaming when he was faced with three beautiful women for whom he felt lust, which turned to horror when it became obvious they wanted to feast on his blood. Count Dracula has him prepare a series of letters - by the dates of which Jonathan Harker sees how long he can expect to stay alive before the Count kills him. As nyn giaull son Laa Boaldyn - DOLORES KEANE - May morning dew DAFYDD IWAN & EDWARD - Cadi ha MARTIN BEST - Kalenda Maya STEELEYE SPAN - Padstow May song SIAMSA NA TIRE - Thugamar fein an samhradh linn JANIG JUTEAU &  REPONSES - A l'arrivee du joli mois de Mai VOX BLENII - Il Maggio KAREN TRENEER & BUCCA - May day carol LOREENA McKENNITT - Beltane fire dance