Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 20th February 2022



The early eighteenth century was a time of friction between church and state. One flash point came in 1718, when an appeal against the ecclesiastical courts went to the Earl of Derby. Bishop Thomas Wilson pointed out it ought to go to the Archbishop of York and refused to attend a court called by James Stanley, the 10th Earl of Derby. Wilson was fined £10 for contempt of court on 19th February 1718. Jonathan Harker is standing doubtful and afraid in the dark forecourt of Castle Dracula. Things, however, appear to improve once he is admitted, to find rooms brightly-lit and warm and a good supper. As nyn giaull - JOHN McCORMACK - The star of the County Down ROGER BRYANT - Cornish lads DAVE MOSS (BANOFFI) - Skelder HEATHER JONES - Lisa lan JIMMY LOGAN - Down in the glen ROBIN HUW BOWEN - Pibddawnsiau sipsi NEEAR NESAN - Domb d'er bal TRIO MANDILI - Kahuri CEOLBEG - Galicia revisited