Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 6th February 2022



After frosts and general cold weather, Wednesday 6th February 1895 saw a fall of snow which began at 7.30am and didn't let up, and with a strong wind created blizzard conditions which piled the snow up to 14 ft deep and smothered the Island and its normal activities. We hear how the Isle of Man Examiner described the conditions. Jonathan Harker has now transferred to the personal carriage of Count Dracula, though he begins to suffer some nervous qualms about it as the carriage sets off, amidst a cacophony of howling from farm dogs and from the mountain wolves. As y kiaull ain - NORMA WATERSON - There is a fountain in Christ's blood FINLAY MacNEILL - O na cuir cul rium CALAN - Rhif wyth JOHN McCORMACK - Turn ye tae me ZAOU - Maison abeilles THE TRADITIONAL PLAYERS - Shetland Isles Marches BRIAN MAC STOYLL & SHORYS Y CREAYRIE - Ny kirree fo niaghtey MEINIR GWILYM - Gormod GOITSE - Tall tales