Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 30th January 2022



The Isle of Man Times and General Advertiser hailed the passing by a sitting of Tynwald on 2nd February 1872 of the Public Elementary Education Act. The Act required the Bible to be read and explained as part of the curriculum. The editorial was concerned that that this might lead to "denominationalism", as churches and chapels sought to influence what was taught. Jonathan Harker is on a coach as the evening comes and darkness falls, with the driver urgently driving on his horses and the other passengers in a state of nervous excitement. Where is the personal carriage of Count Dracula, which is to be sent to meet him? As y kiaull ain -  GWALARN - Gwerz ar vezhinerien  COR CHOIS FHARRAIGE - Tuirne Mhaire TYLWYTH TEG - Cerddoriaeth ddawns Gymraeg SKYLL GLAS - Farwel EMMA CHRISTIAN - Breeshey, Breeshey TROOR STRENG SIBELIUS - Moirrey ny Gainle GEORGIA RUTH - Madryn DEEELYTED! - Leis a' lurgainn ASTRAKAN PROJECT - Seizh Manez