Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 17th October 2021



We recap on our short story, written in English by American author Joe Giordano and translated into Manx for Claare ny Gael, and then follow it to its sad conclusion. Meanwhile, we trace the circumstances that led to 800 armed Manx militia men assembling at the house of Illiam Dhone, William Christian, to take an oath of allegiance to him to make a stand against Charlotte, the Countess of Derby, and negotiate directly with the Parliamentarians to protect the rights and privileges - and the lives - of the Manx people. That took place on 18th October 1651. As nyn giaull - PADDY MOLONEY & THE CHIEFTAINS - Drowsy Maggie PETER DEMPSEY & GUY ROWLAND - It is only a tiny garden THE CHIEFTAINS - Morgan Magan FESTIVAL OF CORNISH MVCs - The song of Cornwall MANRAN - Latha math THE CHIEFTAINS - Morning dew EUGENIE GOADEC & LOUISE EBREL - Seomp d'an unvet DRYMBAGO - Daw'r dydd THE CHIEFTAINS - Manx music