Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 26th September 2021



The Laxey Wheel is iconic, but combines a pleasing appearance with a serious purpose and some outstanding engineering. We hear how the London Illustrated News reported - and illustrated - the official opening on 27th September 1854. In our story in Manx, we take the road in the canary yellow gypsy caravan so beloved of Mnr Toad - for the time being, at any rate. As nyn giaull y cheayrt shoh - THE STATIONARY WILLBERRIES - The Laxey Wheel GEORGIA RUTH & ALAW - Y G'lomen FIANA NI CHONAILL, PEDDYR CUBBERLEY & KIRSTY LAWRENCE - Tamo's frolics AN TRI DIPOP - Tri artilheur ANNE MARTIN - Oran leannan sithe TAN HA DOWR - Can scoswas HORSLIPS - Trouble with a capital 'T' GENOD DROOG - Dal ni lawr MICHAEL SPRIGGS - Laxey's wheel