Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 5th September 2021



A large crowd assembled near the foot of Castle Street in Peel on Thursday, 6th September 1906 for the laying of the foundation stone of the Ward Public Library, a presentation by the hugely successful entrepreneur, James Kewley Ward to the people of the town of his birth. In our Manx translation, the Roddan Ushtey takes Kyaghan to meet Mnr Toad in his fine house - only to find out that he's now given up messing about in boats. As nyn giaull - RUNRIG - Meadhan oidche er yn acairseid AR C'HOAREZED GOADEG - La garde-robe du mari defunt RUSHEN SILVER BAND - Ellan Vannin AC ERAILL - Tua'r gorllewin LIAM O MAONLAI - Cathain? DAVEY & DYER - An lanow SEONAG NIC CHOINNICH - Hion dail-a horo hi ALAN STIVELL - Brezhoneg raok SHOOGLENIFTY - Black dog