Comic Lab

They can't all be winners



How much of your work would you consider "top tier?" Fifty percent? Twenty percent? And speaking of the top tier, Brad and Dave share a partial list of people they think should be nominated for a Reuben Award this year.In this episode, Brad and Dave discuss the ratio of their work that they consider to be top-tier. They also talk about the benefits of posting comics panel by panel. Next, they share their lists of cartoonists who should be considered for the golden Reuben Award. They also touch on the ethical dilemma of selling redrawn original art and the importance of original art in the collector's market.ON TODAY'S SHOWHow much work is "top tier"?Posting panels vs pagesWho would Brad & Dave pick for the Reuben Award?Redrawing pages to sell as originals?TAKEAWAYSPickleball is a fun and inclusive game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.The ratio of top-tier work to average work varies for each cartoonist, but striving for improvement over time is important.Posting comics panel by panel is benefici