The Disciplined Investor

TDI Podcast: Money For Nothing (#872)



Inflation comes and goes US Economy hitting a soft patch. Summer doldrums for markets. Guest Jim Bruce – Movie producer and writer of Money for Nothing and The Restless Billionaire. Money For Nothing, Inside the Federal Reserve  - Jim Bruce - Producer, Director and Writer of Money For Nothing, Inside the Federal Reserve. Money For Nothing is Jim Bruce's directorial debut. Jim was Editor/Writer/Co-Producer of Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars - finalist for the 2006 International Documentary Association's Feature Film of the Year. Jim has also worked as an editor on acclaimed documentaries (including The King of Kong and Dambe: The Mali Project), and as an assistant editor on Hollywood films such as Kinsey, Insomnia, X-Men: The Last Stand, and The Incredible Hulk. He was a Visiting Professor at Middlebury College in 2007. Link Jim discussed: Compare to 70s GREAT INFLATION  -  here is a LINK to YouTube clip of that scene from the film Jim has been a student of financial markets for many years, and be