The Disciplined Investor

TDI Podcast: GOAT – Jim Rogers (#874)



Markets , Economics and Insights Looking to learn from one of the greats – GOAT! This episode's guest: Jim Rogers - The Investment Biker Jim Rogers, a native of Demopolis, Alabama, is an author, financial commentator, adventurer, and successful international investor.  He has been frequently featured in Time, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The Business Times, The Straits Times and many media outlets worldwide.  He has also appeared as a regular commentator and columnist in various media and has been a professor at Columbia University. After attending Yale and Oxford University, Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund, a global-investment partnership.  During the next 10 years, the portfolio gained 4200%, while the S&P rose less than 50%.  Rogers then decided to retire – at age 37.  Continuing to manage his own portfolio, Rogers kept busy serving as a full professor of finance at the Columbia University Graduate School of Bus