The Balanced Blonde Podcast // Soul On Fire

348. How to Get Published, Find an Agent, Write a Book Proposal, & Birth Your Book Into the World with Celeb ‘Book Mama’ Linda Sivertsen



Today we have the wonderful Linda Sivertsen on the show, the BOOK MAMA herself! I have been listening to Linda’s podcast, Beautiful Writers, since before I even started this podcast 7 years ago. What a dream it is to finally have her on the show today, talking everything from publishing, finding an agent, writing a book, working with celebs, self-publishing, and so much more. You will absolutely love Linda’s new book, Beautiful Writers: A Journey of Big Dreams & Messy Manuscripts, out now and ready for you to write YOUR next best-seller. Thrilled for you to hear this one, please let us know all of your thoughts!We now have a VIP waitlist live for SOUL ON FIRE MEDITATIONS!!! I have never been so excited about something. Get on the waitlist HERE!!… IT'S HERE! The Angel Number Collection