The Balanced Blonde Podcast // Soul On Fire

274. Jane & Byron Younger: MY PARENTS!



We are thrilled to have Jane & Byron Younger back on the show today — Jordan’s parents! In this episode we get to catch up about all things grandparenthood and how it has been seeing Jordan as a mother. We go there with expectations vs. reality. ;)    We also get into the holistic treatments they love, spiritual elements that Jordan has turned them onto, non-invasive treatments & cosmetic procedures (the people want to know because they are aging in reverse!), money and ego, their greatest lessons learned, favorite memories of Jordan as a child, astrology & Human Design and so much more.    Also Jordan wants to note — in this episode she said that her mom had an Aquarius moon, but she is a SCORPIO moon! So she is, in fact, triple water. And Byron is triple fire!    The most special part of this episode is their love for Atticus, and there is a very special end of episode shoutout to Atticus himself, for him to listen to when he is older. :) This will be a cornerstone episode for life and we are th