The Balanced Blonde Podcast // Soul On Fire

Ep 226 ft. Grant Atkinson: My LAWYER Comes on the Show! Legal Tips You Want to Know as an Entrepreneur



This insightful bonus episode brings the theme of entrepreneurship from a legal standpoint to The Balanced Blonde community. We hope this fact-filled conversation is a helpful resource to all levels of entrepreneurs who listen to this show. Also, we are excited to bring this episode to any lawyers or budding future lawyers to show that there’s not a one size fits all approach to becoming an attorney. There’s always a creative solution to find your niche & follow your passion.  Grant Atkinson is the founder and managing attorney of Framework Law, a truly innovative and unique firm built for creative entrepreneurs. Grant frames the legalities of brand creation and maintenance in such an accessible and warm way that’s collaborative and not combative. It’s one of the reasons Jordan loves working with him and wants to share him with you all. As a creative entrepreneur herself — who has had to learn the hard way on a few occasions! — Jordan knows just how important it is to have the right people supporting your