The Balanced Blonde Podcast // Soul On Fire

Ep. 96 ft. Ally Hilfiger - Bite Me: Living with Chronic Lyme Disease, the Healing Journey & Coming Out on the Other Side



Jordan chats with Ally Hilfiger, the author of Bite Me: How Lyme Disease Stole My Childhood, Made Me Crazy, and Almost Killed Me and a huge advocate for all of the warriors out there struggling with Chronic Lyme, late stage neurological Lyme disease, and chronic illness in general. As someone who lived through the pain and the struggle firsthand for MANY years, Ally has a much-appreciated perspective on Lyme – and Jordan has a lot of questions! But don’t worry: this episode isn’t a downer at all!! It’s a very positive, lighthearted, and uplifting look at how we CAN heal from chronic illness, as Ally has.   The ladies discuss Ally’s descent into chronic Lyme disease and the many years she went undiagnosed, being misdiagnosed with everything under the sun. Eventually, Ally had to be institutionalized because no one could understand what was plaguing her, and it was there that she was finally diagnosed with late stage Lyme disease. Her journey is fascinating, inspiring, and a true reality for many who live with