The Balanced Blonde Podcast // Soul On Fire

Ep. 87 ft. Jeroen De Wit - Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Past Life Regression Therapy, & The Boy Who Knew Too Much



Jordan chats with Jeroen De Wit, an absolutely amazing lightworker, healer, and past life regressionist!! Jeroen practices Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, a hypnosis technique developed by renowned hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Instead of programming the conscious mind, this unique healing technique accesses the subconscious, or Higher Self, asking for its cooperation in order to heal specific aspects in a person's life.   Jeroen is also a central character of an amazing book that Jordan read in Bali called The Boy Who Knew Too Much: An Astounding True Story of a Young Boy's Past-Life Memories, which is now being turned into a MOVIE (yeah, it’s kind of a big deal)!   Tune in to listen and learn all about past-life regression therapy, the art of hypnosis, how hypnosis and regression can be used for healing, some of the crazy past-life stories and journeys Jeroen has facilitated, all about Jordan’s past-life explorations with Jeroen (spoiler alert: she also saw her current life as a young child - her subco