More Than A Few Words

#1033 What's In a Name?



Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with start-ups, as they look for name for their new business or product. The process is rarely easy, but always interesting. The process should start with a look at the ultimate customer and the unique elements of the solution being presented. Even in traditional industries, looking for a unique twist will help set the business apart. So what else should you consider on your quest to find the perfect name? Simple and Memorable: If the name isn’t short, punchy and relevant customers may struggle to remember it when it is time to buy! Prospective customers may do a Google or voice search for your business. If you name is hard to pronounce or spell, they may have trouble finding you. Relevant: It may or may not be descriptive, but it should evoke a feeling, perception, or impression in the mind of your target audience. Unique: If you want to trademark the name, it needs to be unique in the category. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsl