
723: From Tetris To Clean Energy: Henk Rogers' Conversion Story



two years before the end of the Cold War to broker a licensing agreement for what would become the best-selling video game of all time: Tetris.Either of those feats would be remarkable; to accomplish both is a whole other level of entrepreneurial achievement.  While some of you may not be familiar with today’s guest, you’ll definitely be familiar with his work, and you may have even watched a movie about him!Henk Rogers is known as the father of role-playing games in Japan and for introducing Tetris to the world. Leveraging his software development and licensing expertise, Henk is now tackling what he considers the greatest problem of our time: climate change. And, yes, he was even played by Taron Edgerton in the 2023 Apple TV+ movie ‘Tetris’!A mid-life health scare helped Henk realize that he needed to trade pixels for a higher purpose. Through founding the Blue Planet Foundation, he is helping to do just that, starting in his home state of Hawaii where he was instrumental in driving their go