More Than A Few Words

#1036 Activity vs Productivty



When it comes to marketing, it's easy to focus on activity. Just create a list of tasks and check them off as you complete them: Write five blog posts ✔ Send an e-newsletter ✔ Post status updates on Facebook and LinkedIn ✔ Schedule ads ✔ Create a landing page ✔ Send postcards ✔ Make phone calls ✔ As you check things off your list, you feel good about all you have accomplished. But when you focus exclusively on the activities of marketing, you're missing half the equation. It doesn't really matter how much marketing you do if you're not getting results. Whether you are doing your own marketing or you have hired a company to do these tasks for you, don't settle for a list of activities. You need to hold your marketing accountable for results. You need to focus on the productivity of your marketing, and that's harder to do. Productivity measures might include: Traffic or Interest: Did the actions create engagement on social media or drive traffic to your website or your storefront? Leads:Did people fill out a