More Than A Few Words

#1039 Creativity is a Round Process



The Creative Process I am often asked, why I chose to name my company “Roundpeg.” The obvious answer was because I spent all those years in corporate, feeling like a square peg in a round hole, and this is where I fit! But there is more to the story. I wanted to build a business around the ideas of creativity, collaboration, and positive energy, and for me, creativity begins with a “R.O.U.N.D” process. R.O.U.N.D: Research, Originate, Unite, Nurture, Do It! Research If you want creative output, you need creative input! Collecting a variety of information, without worrying how it fits, is the foundation of the research phase. Input comes from everywhere, what you read, what you see when you are out for a walk, what you learn from others. Explore your environment. Look for new ideas, trends and tools. Seek inspiration everywhere. Take a walk and really look around you. I often find inspiration from nature. Learn something new. Enhance your education, expand your talents, abilities and skills. Look back to move f