Killer Instinct

Amber Smith's Roommate Savagely Beat Her and Left Her for Dead



The story of Amber Smith's attack is a story of survival, but her ordeal was still horrifying. This week, Savannah details how Amber was bound, beaten and left for dead at Cottonwood Glen Park, a park near where she lived. Amber didn't remember much of her attack and the case went cold for over 4 years. As luck would have it, a man named Stefan Moon was charged with a minor felony, forcing him to enter his DNA in the system. Stefan "Sam" Moon's DNA matched that of Amber's attacker, and the more chilling detail, Amber knew Sam as a friend. Love Killer Instincts but hate the ads? Subscribe to the ad-free version here!: Prose is the healthy hair regimen with your name all over it. Take your FREE in-depth hair consultation and get 15% off your first order today by going to Get to know your fertility status and be able to plan ahead with Modern Fertility. Visit for $20 off! Take Hawthorne’s quiz TODAY and get the men in your life st