Constant Procession

420 Constant Procession



Part 12- This is the twelfth installment of a reading of my 1st book entitled “The Constant Procession.” You'll hear it for free from cover to cover in 15-minute podcast segments! By the end of WWI, among those who died on the battlefields were the best and brightest of that generation. This suddenly created a vacuum of natural leaders across the world.  Nihilism followed and brought on the attitude that “anything goes.”  The “Roaring Twenties” became the “Great Depression” that became WWII. But then, a Marian apparition from long ago brought hope through a phenomenon known as "Our Lady of the Great Return" in France during that horrific war.  It brought people hope and became an 'endless procession' as people marched behind a very special statue of the Virgin Mary across France.  There are links, photos and more about this on my website. Pray for this war in the Middle East to end. Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links for ways to support them on my website: And you can