Empowered Patient Podcast

Functional Medicine Approach Focuses on Finding Root Causes of Diseases with Martin Pytela Metabolic Typing Advisor



Martin Pytela is a functional medicine expert, metabolic typing coach, and fellow podcaster. He discusses the principles of functional medicine and its focus on finding the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms. Understanding metabolic behavior and how it can affect emotional well-being and overall health highlights the need to better understand the connection between diet and health conditions. Martin emphasizes the need to personalize approaches to health based on individual genetics and endocrine dominance. Martin elaborates, "Functional medicine is a moniker developed to distinguish it from allopathic medicine in the sense that functionals are looking for root causes of things. In the typical medical setting, you are just looking at a symptom, and you address the symptom with some chemicals and let the patient manage or cope with life as is. With functional medicine, you try to find the cause of it and restore health. So, rather than treating symptoms alone, you’re trying to hea